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According to witnesses, the couple left a bank withdrawing money A woman was murdered, south of Quito, by an assailant who struggled with her partner and stole a briefcase with money Photo: Courtesy of the National Police .According to a security video, a couple was intercepted by two assailants on a motorcycle. At that moment a struggle between the man began with one of the assailants, the woman approached and was shot at the height of her head. Ecuador https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/ecuador/una-mujer-es-asesinada-en-el-sur-de-quito-su-esposo-forcejeaba-con-un-asaltante-y-al-ayudar-recibio-un-disparo-en-la-cabeza-nota/
CrazyShit.com | Woman shot in the head during robbery - Crazy Shit